Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Birds Eye View

Beach bird house

This photo was actually posted on my other blog, A New England Life, last winter, sans the textures. Every time I look at it I still swoon, wishing it could be my daily view.  All I know is that if I were a bird, come Spring time I’d move right in!


Erin @ I Heart New England said...


Frances said...

Another beautiful image. I think you should make a calendar or cards using these images!!!

Carole~Maynard Greenhouse said...

You know you're killing me here. I agree with Frances you should make cards. There's a local lady here in town that sells cards and they aren't even close to yours!
ps....I know, then selling them takes the fun out of it.

A New England Life said...

Thank you ladies for the comments on the beach birdhouse!

I would love to go back and photograph it during the summer but unfortunately it's located on private property. I do have one more shot of it though which I'll post another day.

Wouldn't it be nice if we all could live next to the waters edge?


Mary @ Framed and Tagged said...

Just beautiful!!! That would be a dream come true...I know I would love to live somewhere with that kind of view.
Great shot!

Jan's camera said...

Lovely, those grasses look so soft in the breeze.