Hope Springs Eternal!!!
After spending the past 2+ months in our yard, and our neighbors yard, I think he's looking for greener pastures. Or possibly just someone to fly away with. I'm going to miss him when he's gone, but I won't miss the reason he came in the first place . . . Winter.
i can feel spring seeping in :) I saw two Canadian Geese the other day.. woo hoo!
Spring is on its way I can just feel it!! Love the mocker pics!
Oh,I never imagined I'd be so happy to see mud, muck, slush and Pussy Willows! The snowbanks are still to high to find mine!
Hubby saw a pileated woodpecker in the woods just behind our house today! I went out with my camera but he had already disappeared.
Spring is almost here!
The Blue Ridge Gal
Isn't it wonderful ladies? Being that we are near the bay, and ocean, I've seen quite a few Canadian Geese already. I actually have some pictures of them from a couple weeks ago at the beach but never posted them : /
The Pileated's are definitely out and about! We've seen them here too! Love that call!
Of course we are forecast 1-3" of snow tomorrow, but it won't last. March can play tricks on us though. For all we know we could still have a Nor'easter barrel through! Yikes! Love the Pussy Willows!
Silly bird - he likes winter? Don't you love seeing the first blooms and buds?
there is a huge mud puddle in my back yard,.... but I don't care,... with things like warm sun and pussywillows .... I'm a happy woman!
Your photos were beautiful! The sun is staying out longer...my goldfinches are starting to look yellow again....I think Spring is here!
Your trees are so different than ours ... we have lots of birds coming in and I don't know how they are staying warm
Your Mockingbirds don't stay all year up there? My field guides say they do... Mine keep me company every day of the year, as you already know :o)
So happy spring has finally moved in.
Send that little bugger back down here. :c) I am so ready to hear him sing!
Oh spring! I love the Mockingbird Sharon...I will be happy to hear more of them soon enough!
Hi Mary, yes they do stay all year long but for some reason we haven't had them nest in our yard for the past few years. This one came and stayed for the winter because there was plenty to eat along with the heated bird bath. Doubt he'll nest here though : (
I'm ready to hear him sing too! So far he's keeping it all inside. Bugger!
The signs of Spring are wonderful! Mud and all!
beautiful shots...
we have had three days in the 70s and low 80s and according to our weatherpersons the weather is turning at the end of the week to colder temps and rain. i think we might get one more storm and snow...just my thoughts.
have a great day :)
I have a beautiful lily that will be opening soon. The hibiscus are blooming and the azaleas. And the warmer temps, will have to turn on the AC before long! Florida gets hot real quick!
Spring - what a wonderful thought. It'll be here soon, but not soon enough to suit me. Can't wait to get my hands in the soil and start the garden. -Sandy
Can you believe we got another six inches of snow after this wonderful weather? It's nice to see pussy willows.
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