*You should be able to click on any picture to view it larger ... I think. lol!
Beautiful, isn't it? It really was. Everything just gleamed from the ice. At the time I took these pictures I had no idea how bad the storm really was. I assumed that since the ice was melting pretty quickly (at least the ice in the sun) the power would be up and running within a few hours. Boy was I wrong!

I had hoped to show the drops of ice and water hitting the weather made pond, though that's not really what this picture conveys. Once I uploaded my photo's I was struck by how pretty the tree and the reflection in the water were.

And this Red Tailed Hawk was hanging out looking for a warm breakfast on a cold morning.

Yes, the birds were definitely hungry! Does anyone else have more Woodpeckers than normal this winter?
Even my weeping Cherry was beautiful
I had just taken this picture a week or two ago . . .
. . . and on Friday morning it looked like this. Can you believe it has bounced right back up again to it's former glory?! I thought it was a gonner.
My next door neighbors Lilac bush and Birch tree
Looking down through my next door neighbors backyard
Andria really wanted to go down to the Sandy Point Discovery Center since it's on the bay. She thought she could take some great pictures there. Elise and I agree'd to go along. Here Elise is walking on the boardwalk that takes you down to the bay. Amazing how many people were there and most had big fancy camera's, like Andria. It was definitely a day for photography!

Unfortunately I had no room left on my memory card and didn't realize it until we were at the bay. I did manage this one picture though. I wish Andria would show me hers!
This is looking out at my neighbors house. The tree landed on top of the trunk of their daughters car, but no damaged was done. A few minutes after I took this photo my husband went out with his chainsaw to cut the tree up while the owner pulled the brush out in back of his house. You probably can't tell but the large limb pulled the power line right off the pole. Today they are still running on a generator, waiting for someone to come hook the line back up. I'd be willing to bet it will be at least 3-4 days before someone comes out to fix it. The power companies aren't even bothering with individual houses at the moment. Their main concern is to work in area's where they can be the most effective, then they will start in on the individual problems.
Looking at the blades of grass really tell the story. I'd never seen individual grass so covered in ice before. And I took this picture 2 days after the storm.
Ahhhh, what a welcome sight to see on Sunday afternoon as I traveled down another road in town .... the same road that brings power to our house! But as it turned out all they were doing were looking for lines that were down so they could report them.
As I passed the truck and looked in at the driver, he was the same guy my husband and I had spoken with the night before on the next road over from ours. He said he and his co-worker had come off a 30 hour shift and now they were on a 14 hour shift. We couldn't express our gratitude enough for all they have done. Not to mention neither of their families had power either.
I'm sure these people were hoping the truck would stop also! You can see the Unitil guys behind me as I had just passed them.
What a sad sight. This tree was probably 150 years old and now they have to take it down. I couldn't tell how much damage it had done to the house but I'm assuming it just broke some windows. They certainly weren't the only ones this happened too, but it must have come as quite a shock when it fell!
Today our local power company, Unitil is still reporting over 9,000 customers without power in NH, while PSNH is reporting over 95,000 customers without power in NH. This is an unprecedented weather event in our little state. One that I hope we won't have to endure again for a looooooong time!
Oh Sharon,
What an intense storm. Your pictures were amazing. I am so sorry of the devastation it left in it's wake for so many families. The news said it will take years for New England to gain back what it lost during the storm.
Thanks for sharing the beauty of the ice and letting us see first hand what the news has been saying.
many hugs,
Mother Nature... she's such a dichotomy... leaves beauty and damage behind her all at the same time.
So glad to see you online once again and that you are inside where it is warm.
See if your friend will share her photos with all of us. I"d love to see them and probably others would as well.
Take care
The Blue Ridge Gal
Wow. Amazing photography - I'm glad there weren't injuries however and I hope your power comes back soon!
i think it's extremely ironic that something so beautiful can be so dangerous. I suppose there's truth to the whole "dangerous beauty" idea.
Best of luck!
Amazing pictures, Sharon. The ice on the individual grass blades is wow! And I love the berry pics too. I hope not too many trees were damaged - I would have hated to lose that huge one!
Absolutely gorgeous pictures.
I am so happy your power is back on and you can now get back to normal. What a terrible experience.
Take care and thanks for those photos, they are incredible.
I feel so bad for my New England neighbors who have been hit by this storm. We were lucky enough to not get hit at all. I hope things get back to normal for everyone soon. The pictures really are amazing though!
Great pics. I took a few of our yard (from inside the house) & added them to my blog. It's horrible not having power isn't it? We got power back on Saturday, but just got our phone, internet & tv back on today. 5 days without it was hard.
Thank goodness this didn't hit us. I feel so badly for you up in NH! Looks like you took took lemons and made lemonade by taking all those amazing pictures. So beautiful. I really love the look of an ice storm too.
Tell your daughter to show you. I bet her photos are beautiful as well.
I must admit that it does look beautiful covered with the snow and those ice photographs are terrific, but I would be curled up into a ball of ice myself by now!! Especially with no power!! Poor you!! We had some video footage of the damage on our TV and it looked worse than it actually was. An excellent post Sharon, thanks for sharing.
Thanks Sharon, in the midst of all the cleanup and catchup, for taking the time to post this. We've been worried about you. I hope this is the last ice storm for you guys this year...
This is the first chance I have had to go around and look at blogs and I can't believe these photos! The ice covered grass after 2 days is amazing! I love the photos of the ice covered crab-apples but the 150 year old tree that is broken is so sad. I have lived through New England ice storms before and been without power for a week also. The ice storm that hit in the late 90's missed us up in Presque Isle, ME but dumped 5' of snow instead!
Wow! Glad you have your power back. Your photography is great, and the ice is beautiful. Something so pretty, yet can be so destructive. Reminds me of the ice storm we had in l994. Glad to hear you and your family are ok, and warm.
Thank you all for stopping by! We are so grateful to have power back and get life back to normal. Just the simple things like brushing your teeth is a hassle without running water. It's no wonder people didn't live as long back in the old days ... life was hard! LOL!
Kathie, I didn't know you lived in Presque Isle, Me. As my dad would say, that's god country up theyah! No wonder you moved to Arizona.
Hi Sharon - Normally I would say great pictures but with all my folks are going through, I can't feel that. My mom has memory problems (I don't say that in my blog because she reads it) and this has her so confused, it's awful. My dad's hips hurt from not having his proper bed and chairs.
And the choice is the cat or me here. I can't breath around him - literally. Since I am taking care of the cooking, laundry and all their other needs, we decided a healthy me was best. The cat is FINE and my mom sees that every day at least once or twice, she just forgets.
I am with you, I hope we don't have to endure this again for along time! Stay safe and warm!!
hugs, Linda
Sharon! I am so glad that you have your power back on!!!!! Your pictures are sooooooo stunning! Thanks for sharing! It's so amazing how something so amazingly beautiful can be so lethally dangerous!
Donna Marie
Looking at your wonderful photos and the photos of the trees ripped up. This was a massive storm. We saw the same devistation driving through the Mount Wachusett area along Rt. 2 in Massachusetts. The air was filled with the smell of pine because of all of the tree damage. I’m glad you’re back on line and thanks for showing us all the photos.
Great pics! I'm glad to see you and your family made out ok! A co-worker of mine lives in Derry and both his and his wife's cars were both totaled by the same tree!
After seeing the damage....I wasn't about to complain of the heavy rains we had!
It's my first visit and what an eyeful.
What a storm. The pictures are beautiful and nature is awesome.
Hope things get better for you all.
Wow- those photos are absolutely beautiful. They certaintly don't show the devestation and destruction that storm caused. We're down in Western MA and although we didn't get hit so hard it seems, it still managed to do a lot of damage! My heart goes out to those who were affected - and still are - by all of Mother Nature's fury!
I am looking forward to all the snow we're expecting tomorrow, but am also feeling incredibly sad for those who are still reeling from last week's ice storm. Hopefully things won't be so rough this time around!
This was my first time to your blog, but I will certainly be coming back! Hope you'll come and visit us (http://www.waitingforvermont.blogspot.com). Our blog is still quite new, but every day I see more and more ideas for ours from lovely spots like yours! Thank You!
The loss of power is a little scary, especially when it is so cold outside... yes it would make me get at my fridge also! We've chucked the contents of our deep freeze out into the snow when the power has gone out! Glad you are alright. Your photos - especially the red berries - are amazingly beautiful.
I've been hearing all about how this storm affected NH and northern MA. How interesting it is to hear about it from someone actually living through it. Your pictures are stunningly beautiful, and the ones that aren't necessarily "pretty" convey what it's like up there so well. I hope you're ready for tomorrow's storm! And then Sunday's!
I find your photos are breathtaking. You are so talented. Thanks for sharing a winter scenery. I wish we had just a little bit of that, we still didn't have even our first snow.
Thank you so much for letting me 'normal' is slowly returning to your area as well. Now if Mother Nature would skip Sunday's and Tuesday' storms, that would help!!
Stay warm and safe. (and I am looking forward to more of your gorgeous photo's when this one ends!)
Wow. That was certainly a storm for the ages! I know it brought much suffering and devastation, but the photos are just plain beautiful!!!
Stay warm, Sharon!
The first picture is absolutely beautiful.
Even if I guess you didn't enjoy so much the situation.
You have a very nice Blog.
I found your blog through 19 Butternut's Blog ... the photo's of the berries covered in ice are amazing! I live in N.E. as well but luckily for my family we were not hit by the ice storm (just lots and lots of snow!).
I LOVE the shots of the berries. They look like blown glass. Beautiful!
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