I took the picture below just as a large flock of birds flew out from the Sunflowers. I only wish you could have seen how many birds were there feasting on seeds! And the sound was music to my ears.

There were rows upon rows upon rows of dried up Sunflowers. It truly was amazing!

I'll bet there were plenty of bugs in there too!

This is just a small portion of the field.
Milk Weed giving way on a hill behind the flowers. A sight all too often taken for granted, except by the Monarch Butterfly.

Driving back to work (after taking MANY pictures) this was my view. How I wish it could last a little longer. Today the leaves are pretty much gone.
And a sweet Sparrow perched on the railing of our back deck on a recent frosty morning.

This has to be one of my favorite posts! I could have sat in that field all day if I'd had the time. It's something most anyone would have appreciated as much as I did.
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Sharon, I'd like a map to Kingman's Farm :o) I'd walk with you all day, too, if I had the time. I'm lovin' your view.
Beautiful shots! But *shudder* the mere thought of bugs! Aaak!
There is something melancholy about those drooping dried sunflower heads.
Oooh, that milkweed is making me sneeze just looking at it! I'll bet those sunflowers made a gorgeous picture when they were blooming too! How cool the way they bend and droop. They almost look silver in color!
I too enjoyed your post! Milkweed, bugs and all.
I bet the sunflowers while in bloom were beautiful but I can imagine the birds flying from their feast was a real treat for you. We raised some bird fanantics and they have made bird watching so interesting for us to do. We keep a bird book in our kitchen so we can identify our visitors.
The photos were wonderful and I loved the natural canopy of foliage. I bet it was pretty when the color a few weeks ago.
Thanks for your help!
A beautiful series Sara. Pity you couldn't take any bug shots. LOL!! Just kidding!!
I am so sorry Sharon.....as I pressed the button I realized that I had put in Sara's name instead of yours. I do apologise!!
Such cool pictures!
What glorious photos! I'm just mad at you for missing it when they were in bloom...CMON NOW...we're counting on you! You can't be missing those kinds of opportunities! Loved the milkweed pictures...really nice!
Oh and my daughter fell waaaay from from this tree lol...she voted democrat! Sheeesh. But she is so dang adorable and lovable I can't get too mad!
My favorite is your photo of the street surrounded by lovely fall trees on both sides. You'll have to make sure to get a picture of that amazing sunflower field next year when the flowers are all in bloom!
Sharon, Thanks for stopping by and I'm sorry to hear about your experience. I find that kind of behavior shocking. Ive been lucky enough to have a pretty wonderful group of ladies that visit my blog. I think I might pack my blog bags and leave town if that happened to me.
Take care, Bridget
Sharon, Thank you so much for commenting on my blog today! I have never experienced such!!! I am so glad there are a few good people around! :) I am so sorry that you got bashed too! what is wrong with people???
Your pictures are spectacular!!!! I am such a nature geek... (LOL) I could take pictures of scenery all day.... but I have to work darn it! :)
A few of your pics could use a nice matted frame! :0)
I could have looked at those pcitures all day. Just wonderful!!
Gorgeous pictures. I can't get over how many sunflowers there are in the first series of pics. The birds must be having their own Thanksgiving a little earlier than most!!
Amazing photos! I almost wept. True story.
My hubs and I used to live at the New Meadow apts up the road from here, and we spent many a romantic evening walking thorugh the trails here.. :)
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