Picasa 400 and 800. No middle of the road? 
Basically a test for the new photo size. Thank you for the help Mary and Steve. When I have time later on I'll look into the Picasa also. 
Sorry you can't click to make them larger. I'm still working out the bugs.

I like this new format Sharon. I wonder why you can't click for enlargements. You may be having the same problem I had when I started blogging and Lin (Sandpiper) gave me some advice on it. Load all the pictures first and then put in your words. I know this sorted out the problem for me. Somehow the program does not like it if you move photographs around.
Oops!! Almost closed this without saying I love your pics too!! :)
More beautiful pictures, Sharon! I like your new format too!
Very cool! It's a great format!
Looks like you're still enjoying the amazing fall we've had. Are you guys at your peak up there yet?
Love your new format lady - how come you get all the glorious fall and all I get is bad-hair-day rain? hmmmm??? ; )
P.S. How did you do your format like that? My blog looks like everything is squished in the middle. Yours looks all nice and spread out. I'm dying to know how it's done!
Great format....Wonderful pictures....I had One...ONE stinking flower on my hydrenga this year....look how loaded that one is!
There you go! I like it.
I load my photos to the post then paste my text under the last photo. I do move my photos within the text, though. I don't even know if my photos enlarge when anyone clicks on them...
Joan, I usually do just that because it's easier, so I'm not sure what's going on. The pictures shown are from Flickr.
Hi Alyson, We are certainly coming close to peak! Driving home from work today I couldn't help but marvel at the intense colors! I switched over to Mimosa Stretch. Give it a try! If it doesn't work let me know.
Nancy, Bad hair day? Yuck! Isn't your blog wide too? No?
Nikki, isn't it beautiful? I wanted the picture to be even larger but it was so large you couldn't view the whole thing! lol! Can you believe I took that picture while I was waiting in traffic?
Thank you Mary for your help! I'll have to click on your photo's to see what happens. Steve also had a great suggestion on his blog which I'm going to try: http://shootingmyuniverse.blogspot.com/2008/07/test.html
Holy Cow! Check out the photo I just uploaded. It's a big one! A little too big, which is the sam thing that happened this morning.
Steve, I changed the settings like you did and uploaded from Picasa. This is definitely a work in progress.
LOL! Alyson, what I meant to say was Minima Stretch, not Mimosa.
Try loading them directly from you PC Sharon and see if it works better, but with these lovely enlargements, You dont need them any bigger.
Thanks so much! It worked. But now my pictures look dinky. How do I get them to fill out the screen like yours?
Hi Eve (and anyone considering the SMU format). Picasa also has a 640px wide format too. It gets tricky to change a blog format for a mature blog. You have to mind the header and footer widths and make some adjustments.
Anyone who wished to learn about the format I use on Shooting My Universe is welcome to email me directly with questions.
I really love your blog and your pictures. The later posts look just great. I'm adding blog links today. It's time to add New England Life.
I am a learning blogger also and the whole photo format thing frustrated me at first. I had some fellow bloggers help me out, plus I read some of the Help Articles in Blogger Help. This is what I learned. If you upload photos to blogger and move them around while in compose mode they will not enlarge. But, if you go into the HTML mode and cut and paste the whole code starting from the "hreff" part to the end, then you can still click to enlarge. Or, you can just upload all of your photos as suggested and put the text inbetween.
Also, a fellow blogger taught me about resizing my photos so they don't take up as much space on blogger and my blog doesn't take as long to load. I do this by moving my photos from Picture Project into Microsoft pictures, then click on the edit pictures button where there is another button to "resize" my pictures. From there I reduce the pixels from over 3000 something to a format that is close to 1260 x 800 or 900 pixels. I save the image this way, then upload directly from my PC to blogger, which goes through Picasa Web albums. I am not using up nearly as much Picasa web space as I was when I first started my blog. I hope this makes sense and I hope it helps.
Thank you for the blog link Steve! Can't say some of my posts in the future won't be rather girly though. : )
Kathie, thanks for the tips! I need to stop by your blog and check it out!
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